
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

this week learning by josh

    Wednesday 3 April 2019                  Joshua's blog 

well this week i have been at the whuni afternoon  
in school  and we made some lolly cake some lemon slice cake. at mahi tahi if you dont know what mahi tahi it is a team work thing that we do every Tuesday and you get challenges and do them in a team that afternoon when the parents there was the food that we made and a suprize thay got to do mahi tahi and the challenge  was a egg challenge where you had to protect it from a 2 meter drop it was super fun.
hello my name is Joshua im year six in my school today im talking about
my hobbies are modifying  toy cars set off fire works restoring stuff and if already fixing a axe that we fond in the bush when my dad was cleaning are garden at the farm so that is who i am.